Monday, March 20, 2017

Up and Not Out: Upping the Elevation gain

End of second week of training, which has been primarily based on upping the elevation gain... which of course if it goes up it must come down. Week one consisted of 60 miles and a tad over 13,000ft.
Week two was planned along the same lines with a roughly planned 9-10,000ft at the weekend with about 52 miles and 12,700ft accomplished.

'Up and Out'

The first weekend of training started with a 'Up and Out' to the top of the Rombalds Moor, Ilkley. A 6:30am start  hitting the first trig point at just before 7am, a fantastic way to start the weekend, this was planned for the following weekend, but I just hadn't got all my gear together the night before, and where I had been sipping Mountain Fuel -Night Fuel hot chocolate the week before - which was really good, and was made with just hot water and a dash of milk, a great substitute for a normal hot chocolate and with the added benefit of mentally preparing you for the next days run.

Week 1
  • Lunch run hill reps
  • Lunch Trail run
  • Lunch hill reps / after work hilly run
  • Rest
  • Rest - (I was itching to get out for a long run)
  • Ilkley Moor x5
    • I like to mix up the running, with trail, road, bogs and dirt paths, this is a favourite descent on Ilkley Moor.
  • #EastChevin10 + Surprise View 

'Up and Not Out'

Anyhow my grand plans of an early start this weekend, never materialised...overslept my ambitious alarm time, the snooze button is my friend Monday-Friday, but on the weekend its my nemesis!!
The sunrise run will have to wait for another day.  Life and family can fill any time left remaining, I re-arranged for an afternoon outing to hit the hills and get the weekend running off a little later than planned. Time to sort out the 'Stuff' that gets left for another time as this running malarkey takes up a lot of time. Having watched some footage of the Hardmoors 55 lot setting off just after 9am this got me re-focused.

During this second week of training I've had been testing Mountain Fuel without the Night and Morning fuel added in, just using the Extreme Energy and Recovery Fuel. (Bought the trail pack and trying to make best use before getting more.) I think I could have done with more Night and Morning fuel!

Week 2
  • Lunch run hill reps
  • After work hill reps - Is this some sort of 'Urban Felling Running'? -comment made by passer by who stopped me half way up the steps! Which are well known to the Hyde Park Harriers as the 'Burley Steps' for those HPH Speed and Strength' sessions.
  • Lunch hill reps
  • Rest
  • Rest  - (Not keen on the second day rest -but seem to recover well)
  • Ilkley Moor
  • #EastChevin10 + Surprise View - with a welcome flapjack to finish off the training accompanied by a sunset. What is there not to like about this running malarkey?
Couple days rest now to recover then it will be time to find the racing legs again.

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